Warning: PeerTube Instances
This site uses public PeerTube instances sourced from
instances.joinpeertube.org. It is an a posteriori
moderated index and may contain sensitive content. We do not actively moderate the content listed
Please note that:
- This page is not affiliated with Futo, Grayjay or PeerTube
- FUTO, GrayJay, and PeerTube, are registered, copyrighted and trademarked brands of they respective owners
- This page uses instances data from instances.joinpeertube.org, and uses the Futo's PeerTube Script
- The plugin configuration are dynamically generated and use the oficial plugin script
- The inclusion of an instance does not imply endorsement or responsibility for its content
- We do not verify the accuracy or legality of the content hosted on listed instances
- If you have concerns about specific instances, please go to instances.joinpeertube.org and report the instance
By using this site, you acknowledge that:
- We do not endorse or control the content hosted on listed instances.
- instances.joinpeertube.org reserves the right to
remove instances that violate their Terms of Use or moderation policy.